“Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek for me a woman who is a medium,”” 1 Samuel 28:7a
This is the story of Saul and the Witch of Endor. Previously we have read of Saul’s disobedience, God’s rejection, and now, his dilemma. The Philistines are mobilizing their forces against Israel, and as their King, he is to lead them into battle. But he does not have God’s Blessing, nor will he. What is he to do? Go to a Witch and seek help from her! We think, “Utter Folly and Madness”! Yet, that is the mind and heart of one alienated from God. They are spiritually insane!
But this is also the state of everyone born into this world. Until God gives them Eyes to See and Ears to Hear, they cannot respond to God. As Jesus said, “Unless you are Born Again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God”. May God open our eyes to this Truth and pray more to that end!