Read Luke 3-5

“And the crowds were questioning him, saying, “Then what shall we do?”” Luke 3:10

In today’s reading, John the Baptist begins his ministry. We’re told “the word of God came to John” and he was “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins”. As the Multitudes were “going out to be baptized by him” he sternly warned them, “bear fruits in keeping with repentance” and “every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire”. Today’s Verse is their response.

Once again, we’re confronted in a Gospel with the issue of Repentance. John’s Answer is Quite Clear; so clear, that the people ask “Then what shall we do?”. As you read John’s reply, “share food and clothing”, “be honest in commerce”, “don’t use force, lie, and be content with wages”, you have a cross section of individuals and directives. But, and it’s important not to miss this; he addressed each of their particular SINS!

Those that had extra food and clothing, saw their neighbor in need, and were Unwilling to share, he said Repent! The Tax Collectors who used lies and extortion to collect more than they should, he said Repent! To Soldiers that used their Power to intimidate, who lied, and were discontent with their wages, he said Repent!

In the Same Way, when the Gospel comes to us, it should confront us regarding our SINS! If it does not, then there is No Repentance, which means No Fruit. And you know the rest of the Story. Again, the Word of God is Crucial to our relationship to God. It is His Spot Light in revealing our Sins so we can Repent. And lest I appear imbalanced, ALL this takes place in conjunction with Faith in Christ!

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